Thursday, October 19, 2006

Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership Contd... II

Mistake #4: Fulfilling your own needs via the team

You will occasionally hear people opine that one should not let the personal interfere with the professional. In other words, difficulties at home should not interfere with the execution of duties in the workplace. In some environments, the obvious expression of emotion is simply taboo. But such ideas don't mesh with reality too well. People are holistic creatures and our life experience is not so conveniently compartmentalized, no matter how desirable some Taylorist ideal may be.

Just the same, there are practical and social limitations upon workplace behavior which some may be tempted to flaunt, to the discomfort and embarrassment of their colleagues. The broader one's influence, the greater the opportunity to co-opt activities that should be focused on work, and turn them to personal effect.

For example, meetings (complete with buffet) make a fine social occasion for those not concerned with making best use of company time. Team-building exercises provide an easily excused opportunity to get away from the office and out into the sun, as do off-site training courses and conferences.

Pair programming seems to be most appealing to those who like to chat about their work ... continually. An excessive focus on group consensus-based decision-making for all technical aspects of the project, even the trivial ones, may be a sign that a Technical Lead is more concerned with the sociology of the project and their place amongst it, than with leadership and making efficient use of people's time and effort.

Mistake #5: Focusing on your individual contribution

Changing roles from developer to Technical Lead requires a certain adjustment in mindset. As a developer you tend to be focused upon individual achievement. You spend your time laboring on units of work, mainly by yourself, and can later point to these discrete pieces of the application and say, with some satisfaction, "I did that."

But as a Technical Lead your focus shifts from individual achievement to group achievement. Your work is now to facilitate the work of others. This means that when others come to you for help, you should be in the habit of dropping everything and servicing their requests immediately. A fatal mistake some Technical Leads make is to try and retain their former role as an individual contributor, which tends to result in the Technical Lead duties suffering, as they become engrossed in their own problems and push the concerns of others aside.

The constant alternation between helping individuals with low-level technical problems and thinking about high-level project-wide issues is very cognitively demanding. I've come to call the problem "zoom fatigue" - the mental fatigue which results from rapidly changing between the precise and the abstract on a regular basis. It's like the physical fatigue that the eye experiences when constantly switching focus from long distance to short distance. The muscular effort required within the eye to change focal length eventually leads to fatigue, making the eye less responsive to subsequent demands. Similarly, you get cognitive fatigue when in one moment you are helping someone with an intricate coding issue, and in the next you're examining the interaction between subsystems at the architectural level. The latter requires a more abstract mental state than the former, and alternating between the two is quite taxing.

As a result, people may come to you seeking help with something that has been the sole focus of their attention for several hours or days, and you will find it difficult to "task switch" from what you were just doing into a mindset where you can discuss the problem with them on equal terms. I find it helpful to just ask the person to give me ten minutes to get my head into the problem space, during which I might retreat to my own machine and study the problem body of code in detail, before attempting to help them with it.

Mistake #6: Trying to be technically omniscient

Just because you have the last word in technical decisions, don't think that it is somehow assumed that you are the programming equivalent of Yoda. With the variety and complexity of development technologies always growing, it is increasingly difficult to maintain a mastery of any given subset of that domain. As in most growing fields, those who call themselves "expert" will progressively know more and more about less and less.

It is therefore entirely possible that you will be learning new technologies at the same time as you are first applying them. The mistakes you make and the gaps in your knowledge will be abundantly obvious to your team members, so it is best to abandon at the outset any pretext of having it all figured out.

Be open and honest about what you do and don't know. Don't try and overstate or otherwise misrepresent the extent and nature of your familiarity with a technology, for once you are found out, the trust lost will be very difficult to regain.

There is an opportunity here to widen the knowledge and experience of all team members. You might like to appoint certain people as specialists in particular technologies, giving them the time and task assignments necessary to develop a superior knowledge of their assigned area. To avoid boredom and unnecessary risk, be sure to give these resident experts plenty of opportunity to spread their knowledge around the team, and to exchange specialties with others.

Adopting this "collection of specialists" approach makes it clear that you are not presuming to be all things to all people; and that you have faith in the abilities of your colleagues. But it will require you to park your ego at the door and be prepared to say "I don't know" quite frequently.

But be careful not to lean on others too heavily. It is still vitally important for you to have a good overarching knowledge of the technologies you are employing, particularly those elements of them that are critical to their successful interoperation in service of your systems architecture.

Mistake #7: Failing to delegate effectively

To successfully lead a group, there must be an attitude of implicit trust and assumed good intent between the leader and those being lead. Therefore a Technical Lead must be willing to trust his team to be diligent in the pursuit of their goals, without feeling the need to watch over their shoulder and constantly monitor their progress. This sort of micromanagement is particularly loathed by programmers, who recognize it as a tacit questioning of their abilities and commitment.

But ineffective delegation can also arise for selfish reasons. Several times now I've seen Technical Leads who like to save all the "fun" work for themselves, leaving others the tedious grunt work. For example, the Technical Lead will assign themselves the task of evaluating new technologies, constructing exploratory and "proof of concept" prototypes, but once play time is over and the need for disciplined work arrives, hand over the detailed tasks to others.

Not only is effective delegation desirable with respect to team morale and project risk, on large projects it is simply a necessity, as there will be too much information to be managed and maintained at once for one person to be able to cope.


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